BUILD THE (IM)POSSIBLE: Nehmen Sie teil am internationalen Planungswettbewerb und gewinnen Sie die Herausforderung.



  • Brief introduction: 5 minutes
  • Hybrid structures: 55 minutes

The price of timber, along as all the other raw materials, has increased substantially. Nowadays it is even more important to optimize every structural part of our building. Hybrid structures mean, in fact, more optimization of the material. This is only one of the potential of these structural elements. The hybrid structures can lead to quicker installation, more resistance, less waste, better acoustic characteristics, less weight of the structure, easier refurbishment of old structures, structural adaptation of existing structures.

Find out what different options you have with timber to create an hybrid structure, how to calculate and detail the connection between structural element of a composite floor, how to achieve the best stiffness to minimize the deflection of structural elements. Learn how to optimize your structures and solve a lot of issues on buildings design with the different engineered solutions available. This is only part of what you will see in this webinar, register now and secure your place.

This is a recorded video lesson, therefore it can be watched at any time for one week starting from the 3rd of November. The link will be sent to you through email the day before.


Matteo Andreottola

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